Actually I've been back since Saturday, but I had to catch up on a lot of sleep.
If there was ever a definition of a nice place to visit, but not to live, it's got to be Nevada. Legalized gambling is not a good thing. Any change that might stay in your pocket ends up in one of the million slot machines. Even the parlors in Virginia City have more slot machines than liquor bottles. It's almost scary.
The bowling was fun, the bowling stadium is everything it's cracked up to be. The giant disco ball on the outside seems to draw bowlers into their Mecca. I had pictures, but they ended up blurry. I forgot about the delay of shutter speeds on digital cameras. But all you have to do is watch Kingpin again. The lanes were tough, or so everyone else thought, but I bowled my average. Even Mr. 300 couldn't pull that off. I should go pro.
Since I'm not a very big gambler, I agreed to pay out the nose to rent a van and go to Virginia City and Lake Tahoe. It was well worth it. I managed to get a couple good pics of the lake and they make a pretty good desktop. Too bad the sky was gray on the other side of the mountains. I will upload the ones I have and link to them later.
How many people salt their watermelon? Is it just me? I didn't find out that it was strange until I was about 15, after all everyone in my family does it. It's funny the kinds of reactions I get. I've also been known to put syrup on my eggs, it's way better than ketchup.
I also won't drink coffee. Not because I don't like the taste, but because it is hot. I don't like hot liquids. Perhaps I was traumatized as a child with something hot, but I'll pass on the hot cocoa.
Yeah, it's Saturday and I'm bored...
Today I witnessed the most sought after achievement in bowling, the 300 game. My friend Jeff finally pulled it off after years and years of trying. The good part for him is that it actually counts. Nothing would be harder for a league bowler than to bowl a perfect game in practice, because no one will believe you. I know this because I have bowled a 289 in practice. That's 10 in a row folks, not the full 12, but I still like to brag. Had I done it in league I would have gotten trophies for it.
So tonight I will toast my green beer to Jeff and hope that I can do the same someday. I'm not sure I would be able to handle the tension though.
Today I had dinner at the HyVee buffet. For a small fee you can get a plate and pig out on all of the prepared food in the northwest corner of the supermarket. That's all well and good, but you would think that there would be a huge selection while eating at a grocery store. I knew what to expect, I got my fried chicken and pizza cravings taken care of, but I have decided there should be another option. They need to take advantage of the fact that there is a plethora of food to eat, and we saps are probably willing to pay for it.
This is how it would run. You pay some flat rate and they cook you anything you want. Where else are you going to have Fritos and Lobster at your disposal at the same time? The kids could have their breakfast cereal while the adults enjoy a New York strip, it's win-win. Then, you go grocery shopping stuffed and don't have to buy nearly as much.
And speaking of two weeks, I'm going to be bowling in Reno on March 25. If you are a regular reader of my blog (for the whole month already) you know about my period of bad luck a month ago. Thankfully, I have pulled out of my rut. My series have gone up by 150-200 pins the last couple weeks, so I am ready to get some money.
Of course this means that I will be flying. This will be my first time flying in a commercial airplane. I have flown before for a band trip, but we were chartered in the Timberwolves plane. So I really have no idea what to expect at the airport. Hopefully I'll get on the right plane.
If you all want to give me $20, I'll put it on the roulette table for you..
Apple is teasing me. I've had to put up with a lot of system freezes on my old machine, so I have decided it's time for a major computer purchase. I went to the Mall of America to play with the Macs at the Apple store and after much debate between a PowerBook and a Power Mac, I've decided to go with the latter. And now the rumor mill has it that there is a new batch coming out in two weeks. So I'll just have to wait.
I think the first thing I'll do on my new machine is to get content on the rest of my site. And SimpleText is going to fly on that thing.
Let's face it, American's are out of shape. I consider myself average, and I could stand to get in better shape. And I blame no one except myself. But that's not good enough for most people I guess, they need a reason. And the culprit is clear, McDonald's.
I don't like McDonald's much, except the breakfast, but I can remember when they started the super size option. For 39 cents they give you a couple more french fries and a gallon of Diet Coke. And I loved it. I have always been sort of a french fry junkie, and it's about the only thing that's hot at McD's. So from then on I have always paid the extra dough for more potatoes. Now they're taking it away!
Is it McDonald's fault that they had a great idea? Give the people what they want. I guess they took that to heart, now we want to lose weight and the only way to do it is to abolish the super size. All I can do now is hope that it's just a marketing scheme to sell more later. For now I'll be ordering french fries by the bulk until they cut back. And then I'm going to boycott, that'll show 'em.
In high school I was voted most likely to appear on Jeopardy. In part because I lobbied for it (I had to win something...) but I would at least like to think I might have stood a chance anyway. I was the typical bookworm, had everything done on time, and was always ready for a test. I honestly never studied for a test, somehow I absorbed enough to get by. Could be because the school wanted higher grades so they dumbed things down, but why on earth would they do that?
Now here it is going on 7 years out of high school and I haven't made it on Jeopardy. I don't think I ever will, I don't know enough about world history, but I still know a thing or two.
I was also voted most likely to appear on Bandwagon (A local show dedicated to square dancing.) Now that one I didn't lobby for, and I have absolutely no rhythm, but maybe I should give it a shot. I've just got to find a partner.
Somedays I enjoy a good sit. As C. Montgomery Burns put it "From the mightiest king to the lowest peasent, who doesn't enjoy a good sit?" I'm sitting now, but it's not the kind I'm talking about. It's where it's me, a chair and no distractions. I would have a recliner in the front lawn if it didn't make me look insane, just to watch the sky or the trees swaying in the breeze. If nothing else it would give me time to think of blog topics.
It's March and we have our first real rain of the year coming tomorrow. At least that's what the weather channel is telling me. That means spring is right around the corner and I can't wait. I like winter, and sometimes in August I wish there was snow on the ground, but there's something great about spring. The days get longer, and I can get my Minnesota white skin back in the sun. And the baseball season is only a month away.
I think you have to live in a four season climate to really appreciate nice weather. I've been to Florida in 60 degree weather and the locals were freezing while we went swimming in the ocean. It got to 40 degrees this weekend and people were out jogging in shorts. I'll bet no one in Texas does that.