February 25, 2004

No Productivity

It is surprising how little one accomplishes when they have nothing to do. I still have about a month and a half before I go back to work and probably won't get anything done. TV is the enemy, I have been watching too much. Today is Ash Wednesday, maybe I will give it up. But then I will miss Jeopardy.

I can take comfort in the fact that I'm watching TV that makes me smarter. I am addicted to TechTV again. So I sit and wonder if I should work on my webpage, or watch another edition of Call For Help. Blogging is easy, I'll go with that. At least it isn't too distracting.

So you're looking for a way to be non productive too? Go read some stuff at Drew Curtis's Fark Some contents not safe for work.

Posted by Bryan at February 25, 2004 03:38 PM
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